The increasing number of devices and apps communicating via web allow to quickly and effectively transfer information between
the different stakeholders involved in collaborative processes. This represents an unprecedented occasion for the AEC
sector, where communication of the relevant information at the right time is crucial to guarantee the delivery of the final physical product.
Cloud-based solutions, such as web apps, API and databases form a common thread for interconnecting physical and digital domains in the AEC sector.
We provide cloud and web-based services, such as interconnected websites, apps and databases to
foster the transfer of information between parties, or even to execute engineering tasks online.
This is a website that automatically computes the U-value of the facade at early stages.
Atfer the user is asked to input the 2D geometry of an arbitrary façade, the website sends a series of API requests to save the geometry to a database
and perform various engineering calculations. The results are dynamically displayed to the user.
This example shows a website where design & manufacturing knowledge about a prefabricated façade panels is stored.
The "bundle" represents a series of engineering rules and constraints that apply to the façade panel to be engineered,
as well as a description of the individual components that make up the façade assembly.
By hovering on each individual item, a series of interconnections is dynamically shown, whereas by clicking on them
the user is redirected to a database storing additional information and descriptions of the item in question.